
After receiving my graduate education in counseling psychology from the University of Wisconsin – Madison in the mid-90’s, I opened my private practice in Davis, California. From 1996-1998, I was introduced to Gestalt Therapy while participating in a child psychotherapy consultation group led by Diana Hansen, MFT and later became involved from 2003-2009 in an intensive 6-year training in Gestalt Therapy with Jim Doak, LCSW.  After this, I worked for a year under the guidance of Lu Grey, MFT of the Bay Area Gestalt Therapy Institute.

Since then, I expanded my work to include an in-depth study of the Enneagram with leading experts Helen Palmer and Russ Hudson that includes an Enneagram Certification in Conscious Living. These trainings have formed the foundation for my understanding of human nature and the growth process. In addition, I was also involved in a Reichian process under the guidance of master Reichian therapist, Siri Gian Singh Khalsa, Ph.D. This breath work involves relaxing body armor to allow for greater receptivity, increased self-expression, and fuller overall aliveness and well-being.

I am currently pursuing my transpersonal work which is being carefully facilitated by spiritual director, Lucie Chalifour, founder of Sign of Life. I have found that a strong relationship to Ground offers the support for lively figures to form and satisfying contact to take place.